Saturday 22 October 2016

Delivery of the baby involves pushing on the side of the mother. What many mothers are unaware of is that the baby contributes actively in the delivery process both in its initiation and in assuring its successful outcome. To stimulate labour, the baby exerts a trust on the membrane of forewaters and this rubs off the membrane from it desidual attachment and so brushes off certain co-factors which will in turn act on the uterine muscle fibres to commence necessary contractions. As the second stage of labour reaches crescendo the baby undertakes various navigational movements to do trust down. It's noteworthy that while the baby is making all these moves she feels embarrassed as she struggles to go back up cause she feels she is 'falling'. The pushing reflex occurs once the baby is lodged in the Ferguson's nervous plexus, the woman needs to work with the attending staff to achieve a favourable outcome. Pushing when full dilatation of the cervix has not been achieved could lead to cervical laceration or even vulval tear. In more than 90% of cases, the left cervical lip effaces before the right. In such case it will benefit the woman to lie at the right side to effectively achieve full cervical dilatation. On pushing, the best outcomes are associated with the woman holding, firmly at her shin, closing the mouth and pushing while fixing her gaze at her navel. This posture will transform her tursor into a rigid pillar to enable her baby to descend.     
'My baby is nine months and rejects all the foods I give him. 'I have tried all kinds of food`. 'I have used all coercive methods to force feed him but he only ends up vomiting the feeds, what do I do?'
I`ll like all pregnant and nursing mother to listen carefully, cause this is major complaints we receive on infants. The challenge here arose from improper weaning method. If weaning is not systematically and sequentially done, it will be attended by hiccuffs. Whenever you decide to wean the baby you MUST FOLLOW THESE STEPS I call Dr. Ikechukwu`s weaning method [Ikewean] for short. First, make sure the child is confortably seated on a high chair facing/making eye contact with you. Next place the food at the centre on table shown in the pic. Then dip spoon inside the plate and scoup half a spoon ful of the food. While maintaining eye contact with the baby launch the spoon into your own mouth. Do this methodically, slowly while maintaining eye contact with the baby. Repeat this a third time. As you sample this meal, try to make mouth and tongue movements to indicate how delicious the food is. You will be petrified during the the next scoup because you adorable baby will lounge forward to taste. At this point, don`t be in a hurry to celebrate a pyrrhic victory. Rather try scooping into your mouth again, but as the baby comes again, take some and share the rest in the spoon with him.                          


 From this time onward you will be the one begging the baby to reduce feeding. Reason for this Ikewean is because babies like you and I are suspicious and so when you offer her food without tasting it as you eat a different one the baby believes you are cheating on her. She will want to trust you. To earn that trust , you must taste what you give her.I`ll like all pregnant and nursing mother to listen carefully, cause this is major complaints we receive on infants. The challenge here arose from improper weaning method. If weaning is not systematically and sequentially done, it will be attended by hiccuffs. Whenever you decide to wean the baby you MUST FOLLOW THESE STEPS I call Dr. Ikechukwu`s weaning method [Ikewean] for short. First, make sure the child is comfortably seated on a high chair facing/making eye contact with you. Next place the food at the centre on table shown in the pic. Then dip spoon inside the plate and scoup half a spoon ful of the food. While maintaining eye contact with the baby launch the spoon into your own mouth. Do this methodically, slowly while maintaining eye contact with the baby. Repeat this a third time. As you sample this meal, try to make mouth and tongue movements to indicate how delicious the food is. You will be petrified during the the next scoup because you adorable baby will lounge forward to taste. At this point, don`t be in a hurry to celebrate a pyrrhic victory. Rather try scouping into your mouth again, but as the baby comes again, take some and share the rest in the spoon with him. From this time onward you will be the one begging the baby to reduce feeding. Reason for this Ikewean is because babies like you and I are suspicious and so when you offer her food without tasting it as you eat a different one the baby believes you are cheating on her. She will want to trust you. To earn that trust , you must taste what you give her.

A VERITABLE ALTERNATIVE TO BLOOD TRANSFUSION                                                    
The human blood. The blood is composed of haem and goblin. The composite nature of blood is distinguished by the two molecular arrangements with the rap up goblin tetramer made of 2 alpha and 2 beta chains. The core is occupied by the haem. Curiously, the blood has similar configuration with chlorophyll. The only difference is that Magnesium instead of iron is found in the organic basal super structure. This divergence explains the colour difference between red and green. For this reason an anaemic patient could benefit from vegetable water taken with a malt drink. Tomato which contains carrotein could also be used for the same reason.

BABY CRYING UNCONTROLLABLY AT NIGHT. Appendicitis could be a factor. We offered an Appendectomy on this 9 month old baby. We thank God for His guidance.
                                                       BABIES TEETHING PROBLEMS.                                                       One of the many developmental milestones in a normally growing baby is teething. A process which commences as early as six weeks or later at three months after birth it could add to the challenges both the parents and the newborn had had to contend with. The baby indulges in unending bouts of cries which progresses to wails due to the pains she feels as the milk teeth push their way through the tender gums. The pharmaceutical industry, as usual triesit's best to provide answers to the question posed by the exhaustI've sleepless nights of the newborn and her parents. To this this effect they prefer numerous teething medicaments. However, and in spite of all these no answer has been found at the horizon for we still receive mothers with their new born babies at the clinics with the same excessive crying complaints. Unknown to these mothers the so called teething preparations are just mixtures of paraceutamol, and mild tranquilizers. That is why in spite of these interventions the babies are still continuing their town crying duties. WHAT TO DO. The pains the baby is having are arising from the firing of the pain nerves embedded in the gums as they come under crushing effects of adamantine bony spicles. The most painful aspect of all these is the overwhelming inflammation sequel to the injuries on the gum tissues. The answer to the teething problems of childhood must be sought in reducing inflammations in the gums. To do this requires the application of common salt. Salt when in solution forms Na+ and Cl- ions. At cellular-fluI'd interphase, Na+ penetrates the cell while Potassium ion, K+ actively refuses. This causes an ionic flow around the membrane which has a tremendous effect in causing members stability. This stability goes a long way to reduce and cancel inflammation accelerating healing. The salt treat could be administered by just applying, generously cotton wool soaked in warm water on the gums. The warm water will enhance .
                                       DANGEROUS TRADOMEDICAL SUPPLEMENTS.                                              Of late certain supplements have emerged as panacea in non operative interventions for the treatment of uterine fibroids. They have gained so much popularity to the extent that affected women see them as only resort for cure. This conclusion is further fanned by the prevalent poor socioeconomic status of the populace. Another factor of note is morbid fear for surgeries and anaesthesia. These 'cures' usually promise to effect a cure within record time. The uterus is mainly muscular structure. Fibroid is a benign tumour of smooth mucles of which the uterus is made of. There are other structures in the body which are composed of smooth muscles. Of note are the the various sections of the gastroentestinal tract. HOW DRUGS WORK. The nature, carriage and functionality of a named drug is governed by its pharmacokynetics and pharmacodynamics. This is a cogent summarization of how drugs work. A medication could exert its action by attacking the membrane of a cell or affecting the active transport through the cell. It could also bypass the membrane or plasmalemma to affect the cytosolic organelles. In.other cases the drug could trangress the membrane and cytoplasm and pierce the nuclear capsule to affect the nuclear crux. HERBAL SUPPLEMENTS. Herbs remain the habingers of the pharmacopuar. Prior to the advent laboratory synthetic medicaments herbs held sware in the war against diseases. Herbs form the ingredients found in our soups, stews and even tea. Coffee is a form of herb. Herbs are drugs in raw states. Herbs often lack adequate dosage regimentations. FIBROID SHRINKING HERBAL PREPARATIONS. The socalled fibroid shrinkers actually have potentials to affect the membranes of the target organs. Since they act on the smooth muscular tumours of the uterus or fibroid they will also act on other smooth muscles of the uterus.They do this by gradually denaturing the surfaces of these tumours. However, since they are smooth muscle specific, they do not differentiate between smooth muscles found in the uterus and elsewhere. To this effect they attack the smooth muscles of the uterus. THE REAL DANGER The real nightmare in these herbage is the fact that they wind up attacking the weaker and more organized smooth muscles of the uterus more than the fibroid themselves. Most cases we encountered during myomectomy showed evident and gross uterine architectural denaturation. Though these herbs soften the tumour but we always meet the uterus in a grotesque state. Studies are yet to be done on their effects on other smooth muscular structures but the conclusion is apparent. When the womb is denatured it will lack the capacity to bear pregnancy. Even when pregnancy is achieved, certain complications like abortion, antepartum haemorrhages, abruptio placenta abound. Should pregnancy be managed till term, premature labours, uterine hypokinesis with prolonged and obstructed labours could superven. Operative procedures might become the resort in such cases. The worse case scenario is the risk of disseminated intravascular coagulation which.caries almost 100% mortality in this country. Herbs are good but they should not be applied in all cases. Fibroid is a hard tumour and trying to whip it with same toxin which affects other delicate structures of the body could be associates with deleterious consequences.

Simple surgical procedure


The Labour of love. The love of mum

DELIVERY.                         What women pass through is beyond the imagination. These clips present a graphic surrealism of the birthing process. According to ' Happy birthday your Excellency. I wish more better days. May God bless and keep you, and may He lift up the light of His countenance upon you and give you grace. Points for the Pregant', 'the woman's role is that of divine fulfillment'